for visiting!

Iโ€™m Sarah Milligan, a certified evidential Psychic Medium & Spiritual Advisor, an energy based Physical Medium, Reiki Master-Teacher, Spiritual Healer and Ordained Interfaith Minister in the Order of Melchizedek. My hope is that through our work together you remember your true nature as eternal spirit and know without a doubt that your loved ones live on, just in a different form. The more you align with your Source, the more empowered you are to live a life of true peace and joy. Iโ€™m here to guide you in remembering and owning your radiant identity as an extension of Source energy and to bring comfort with guidance and messages from the Spirit World. Whether you are just starting your spiritual journey or are far along the path, I look forward to working with you! Thank you for allowing me to serve you and Spirit. It is my greatest joy and a true honor to do so.


I experienced the gifts of clairvoyance (clear seeing), clairsentience (clear feeling), and clairaudience (clear hearing) in my life beginning around 5 years of age, but it was not until after the birth of my fourth child that I was visited by a spirit guide in a dream who lovingly nudged me to develop my mediumship and healing gifts further.

In 2013, I began my formal spiritual studies under Rev. Trish Woods sitting in a spiritual development circle weekly for two years. In 2015, I continued my studies with, and was tested and certified by, world-renowned psychic medium Lisa Williams. The journey to owning these gifts and finding my way to Lisa was not an easy one - listen to the story on this podcast.

While studying mediumship development, I also acquired formal training in various healing arts in addition to the Reiki Master Teacher training. I am an Integrated Energy Therapy practitioner, Energy Medicine & Sound Healing practitioner, Medical Intuitive and Yoga Teacher, and I often incorporate several modalities during a healing session. Once I took my first energy healing class, my childhood made so much sense! I realized I had been doing some form of energy healing since the age of 8.

In 2016, I was called to develop physical mediumship with the intention of healing for others. I sat with various development circles before the spirit team gave the okay to go public with the circle in 2018. Since then, the loving spirit team and I, have served thousands of people around the world guiding them to deep healing. Physical mediumship is my favorite form of mediumship, as I have the privilege of witnessing people connect directly with their loved ones in spirit and turn into believers of the spirit world right before my eyes! Clients often remark that one Spirit Healing Circle is like 100 grief counseling sessions in a night!

A little bit of my storyโ€ฆ (book in process!)

I often say to groups, โ€œI am just a Mom of four from Jersey, who happens to see Spirit people!โ€ we are all spirit inside these bodies and everyone can tap into their innate ability to communicate with the spirit world.

As an extremely empathic child, I intuitively put my hands on animals, pets, and people to help them feel better. I knew something greater than me could and would heal them and they did not have to suffer.

I was also terrified of the dark and just knew I was not alone. Thank you to my parents for sitting with me for HOURS every night so I would go to sleep! Iโ€™m a chicken, so if anything was not all love and healing, I would be the first one out of the room! So, if I am there, you are totally safe!

I was a gymnast for ten years and after hurting my back which forced me to retire, I started swimming and it just happened to work out. I made nationals after two years and swam Division 1 for Penn State. These intense physical practices kept me grounded early in life so I could manage all the energy I was constantly feeling without seeking to numb it through unhealthy choices. Thank you to my parents for putting me in these sports!

My degree is in education and I was an elementary school teacher before having my four children. It set me up well to teach with spirit later on!

After I had my fourth child, I had a dream in which a spirit guide visited me, looked me straight in the eyes, and said, โ€œSarah, you have something special.โ€ When I woke up I knew she meant intuitively speaking, but had no idea what aspect of intuition she meant. (Shout out to Leslie the spirit guide for starting me on this path!)

Three days later, a good friend told me she had a reading with a medium and this medium was teaching a beginner psychic medium class and asked if I would attend with her.

That 8 week class changed the course of my life and it was a very fast unfoldment into remembering mediumship and healing from many other lifetimes.

After sitting in a development circle for a couple years, I continued my studies and tested and certified with Lisa Williams as a Psychic Medium & Spiritual Advisor. She lovingly kicked me out of the medium closet and told me if I didnโ€™t start serving as a medium and charging for readings, that she would come to New Jersey and Mama Bear slap me! I went home from that certification week and put up a website and have said yes to serving spirit in any way asked of me since then. See transformative experiences.

In 2016, I was called to start sitting for physical mediumship development with the intention that spiritโ€™s power be used for healing others. The first circle was February 12, 2016. Later that year, I moved to Cape Cod where I met a soul family member who was the reason the circle continued its development after the move when he was diagnosed with cancer. His birthday was February 12th! A few years later, one of the main circle guides, Alec Harris, an incredible physical medium in his lifetime, made himself known to the circle. His transition date back to spirit was FEBRUARY 12th! There are no coincidences!

As far as being just a Mom from Jersey; I love to dance, restore by the ocean, be with friends and family and laugh! I am grateful for my children and the teachers they are.

Currently, I am writing a book about my journey and hope it will help you truly understand how loved and supported you are from the Other Side and just how powerful you are as a co-creator of your life.

I look forward to journeying with you!

โ€œYou are entitled to miracles because of what you are. You will receive miracles because of what God is. And you will offer miracles because you are one with God. Your claim to miracles does not lie in your illusions about yourself. It does not depend on any magical powers you have ascribed to yourself, nor on any of the rituals you have devised. It is inherent in the truth of what you are. It is implicit in what God your Father is. It was ensured in your creation, and guaranteed by the laws of God.โ€ - ACIM W77

Featured inโ€ฆ

Learn about Sarahโ€™s story of coming to know her spiritual gifts. Everyone has gifts!

spirit healing circles

experience the transformative power of spiritโ€™s love. you will walk away renewed and a believer!

psychic & medium

a reading can leave you with a sense of peace, hope and healing and the knowing your loved ones live on.

Spiritual healing & Reiki

reset, restore and connect to your inner being to live a life of true peace and joy.